Thick Handle Dumbbells

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A dumbbell is a weight that allows the user to exercise two different muscle groups at once. The handle of the dumbbell provides leverage, which enables more force to be applied with each contraction.

The fat grip dumbbell handles are a set of weights that have thick handles to allow for better grip. They are also more stable than the standard dumbbells, which can be helpful for people who experience wrist pain or injuries.

I’ve lately had numerous inquiries on the usage of thick-handled dumbbells. Many people have inquired as to where such handles may be found, as well as why such a thick handle is necessary.

I like to construct my own dumbbell handles. You can make a completely functioning (and sturdy) handle for a few bucks. Prepare to spend a lot of money if you want a thick handle that has been “professionally” built. A short scan on the market turned up many pricey handles, some of which cost over a hundred dollars.

Why are you bothering?

Before you construct or purchase, it’s a good idea to know what you’ll get out of it. Why bother with constructing or purchasing a thick-handled dumbbell?

Thick-handle lifting was popular in previous generations and is beginning to resurface in the current age. It’s hardly surprising that such handles have regained favor, especially given the near-instant advantages they provide. Lifting with a thick handle will rapidly improve your forearms and grip. Using such grips will make nearly every lift more difficult.

For many years, I’ve lifted with thick handles and will continue to do so. In my hands, these handles have made a big impact. As many readers of this blog are aware, I struggled with hand issues as a young fighter for many years, so I’m constantly searching for methods to strengthen my hands. Thick handles have become one of my favorites.

Alternatives Made at Home

Dumbbells with thick handles come in a variety of styles. Duct tape and foam pipe insulation are two of the simplest ways. You may progressively thicken one of your handles using duct tape by adding a bit at a time. Another alternative is to use foam pipe insulation to cover your dumbbell handle. Look for foam that is at least somewhat stiff in order to keep its form. If you like, you may cover the foam with duct tape (to keep it in place).

Each of these possibilities is shown in the diagram below. Galvanized iron tubing was used to make both handles (purchased at Home Depot for a few dollars each).

Another cost-effective alternative is to utilize rope. Wrap the rope tightly around the gripping surface. Cut the rope to the appropriate length and fix it in place with a tight duct tape afterwards. If required, add another layer of rope to enhance the thickness of your handle. In the image below, you can see an example of this method:

The handle is then given a second coating of rope to examine how it looks. The handle may also be seen before and after it was changed. This handle was one of the few bucks spin collar handles available at Walmart.

It’s worth mentioning that these Walmart handles aren’t my favorite (particularly the collars). A completely handmade handle, such as the galvanized iron pipe technique shown above, is far more appealing to me

The usage of PVC pipe is another popular thick handle option. An example of this technique (along with a lot more information on grip strength) can be found at the following link: Hand Strength/#top

What Are You Going To Do With It?

Dumbbells with thick handles may be utilized for almost every conventional dumbbell exercise. Two of my favorite activities are heavy rows and farmer’s walks. Other (more traditional) exercises that you can do with these handles include dumbbell swings, different overhead presses, Zottman curls, and so on.

I’m not recommending that you use thick handles for all of your exercises, but they do give a great touch to a comprehensive strength program. I often begin with a conventional handle (where I can go heavier) and then go to a thicker, lighter handle (within the same workout). Within the exercise, I alternate between using traditional and thick handles. Another approach is to do a conventional strength exercise followed by a thick handle finisher (for example, a few sets of farmer’s walks with thick handles).

Please see this link for additional information on how to build your own equipment:

Dumbbells are typically made out of steel, but they can also be made out of other materials. The most common material used for dumbbell handles is rubber. Reference: how long are dumbbell handles.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you thicken dumbbell handles?

You can coat the handles with silicone or put them in boiling water for a few minutes to make them more durable.

Do thick bar grips work?

Yes, they work.

How thick are dumbbell bars?

The dumbbell bars are 1.25 inches thick.