Maximizing Your Towel Pull-ups


Towel pull-ups are a great way to maximize your workout and get the most out of your time in the gym. This article will show you how to do towel pull-ups, which is one of the best exercises for building muscle mass and strength. Towel pull-ups are a great form of exercise and can be done anywhere. To maximize your towel pull-ups, try door exercises. I discussed a few months back how a pair of gloves might make some grip training activities much more difficult. Since then, I’ve received feedback from many people who were shocked by the complexity of that simple change. It’s one of those workouts that you won’t understand unless you do it. Towel pull-ups with two full sized towels are another grip exercise from my Untapped Strength book that are deceivingly tough.

More Difficulty = Two Towels



Pull-ups using a towel are a popular grip training activity. Unfortunately, the majority of individuals who do towel pull-ups only use one towel. Hang a single towel over a bar and grasp one end with each hand for that variant. The single towel pull-up is a good place to start when it comes to grip strength, but it’s just the beginning. The challenge will be significantly increased by adding a second towel. Both ends of a single towel will be pushed to be gripped by each hand. As a consequence, each hand is required to compress much more material. In the uppermost photo, you’ll see that my thumbs can’t even reach my fingers. My fingers and thumb can’t wrap around each towel because it’s too thick.

It’s All About the Size


Size counts when it comes to towel pull-ups. Use full-size towels if you want to get the most out of your towel pull-ups (ex. beach towels). Smaller towels, such as those used in a kitchen, will be much easier to handle. The smaller size means you’ll have to grasp and crush less material. The difference between tiny and big towels is night and day. On your first repeat, you’ll notice a significant change.


Ropes vs. Towels


When I talk about towel or rope pull-ups, I almost always get asked if it’s better to use towels or ropes. However, there isn’t a single solution. It’s an apples to oranges situation, in my view. There are advantages and disadvantages to towels, just as there are advantages and disadvantages to rope. There is no superiority or inferiority between the two.

As a result, rather of having to choose between towels and ropes, I prefer to work with both. At the top, you’ll see two ropes hanging from the pull-up bar. I also climb rope on a daily basis and have a variety of shorter strips of varying thicknesses that offer a never-ending variety of difficulties.

Last Thoughts

In conclusion, including a second towel into your towel pull-ups is a variety that many athletes miss. It’s easy to underestimate the complexity of such a minor change. It seems simple until you do it, like with many grip workouts. Furthermore, it is the kind of change that may be improved upon. For example, for a very tough workout, combine the previously described gloves with two towels. A combination like this will be less costly than most commercial grip training devices, but it will be just as tough, if not more so.

“Don’t put too much faith in appearances.” Virgil Virgil Virgil Virgil Virg

Towel pull-ups are a great way to maximize the use of your towel. This is because they place your forearms at an angle that allows you to work out more muscles in less time. Reference: towel hangs for forearms.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do towel pull ups build muscle?

How can I maximize my pull ups?

The best way to maximize your pull ups is to start with a wide grip and then transition into a narrow grip as you get stronger.

How do you cheat on pull ups?

Pull ups are a type of exercise that is meant to test your upper body strength. You can cheat by using momentum and swinging your legs up and over the bar.