Tips for Lowering Stress Levels at Bedtime


Are you suffering from insomnia and there is nothing you haven’t tried to overcome it? Every evening, prepare a warm bath, drink warm milk and read a book, ventilate the room. Sometimes you even count sheep and still lie awake and struggle with not being able to fall asleep.

It is possible that in your case the reason for the night tossing and turning is stress. There are other techniques you can use, that have proven to be very successful in reducing stress levels. That is why we have decided to write this article and suggest a few that will definitely do the trick.

But, first, let’s mention a few sentences about the cause – stress…


It is probably modern man’s biggest enemy nowadays, so it’s no surprise that many of us can’t fall asleep after a mentally and physically tiring day. After all, the work we do requires so much more energy, and our lives require that we handle a lot more information than people had to handle twenty years ago. It is said that we live way much faster than our parents used to. All of this is extremely overwhelming.

And in bed, we often play a movie from the previous day, think about stressful or unpleasant situations we found ourselves in, and try to figure out if we could have avoided them. Such thoughts speed up our pulse, a greater amount of adrenaline is produced, the secretion of sleep hormones decreases, and here is the perfect recipe for insomnia.

But if there is a perfect recipe for insomnia, is there also a perfect recipe for stress relief?

Our first suggestion to you is to try some breathing exercises…


Whether we are thinking about something or doing the dishes, when we are forced to breathe properly we have to stop what we are currently doing. Proper breathing requires too much concentration from us, so it’s no wonder that even two deep breaths can calm us down. Shallow breathing limits the movement of the diaphragm, and deep breathing promotes the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, which can slow down the heartbeat and stabilize blood pressure.

Our nervous system is divided into the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. When we are under stress, the sympathetic nervous system is activated, so we breathe faster, our heart beats faster and our blood pressure is higher. And deep breathing activates our parasympathetic nervous system responsible for slowing down the body.

Breathing techniques are simple and can be practiced at any time. For example, when we are on the bus, when we are standing in line for coffee or when we are at work. We alwaysstre have the opportunity to stop, take deep breaths, and think more rationally. According to PatriotSupplements if you want to learn how to reduce stress and improve sleep, an ideal scenario would be to join a yoga class and learn some breathing practices you can use to relax before bedtime. You would be surprised to find out how a good night’s sleep will influence how your body looks like.

Here are some additional tricks to consider…

1. Nutrition works wonders


Use natural supplements that reduce stress hormone levels: basil, magnolia, glutamine, and vitamin C. Both folic acid and vitamin B5 can reduce their levels. They can be found in foods such as fish, legumes, whole grains, and sunflower seeds.

2. Avoid starving


Eat at regular intervals throughout the day. Avoid skipping meals as it leads to the release of cortisol.

3. Consciously relax


Even simply lying on the floor looking at one point while concentrating on breathing can help. Whenever possible, get out and walk.

4. Go easy on the coffee


Avoid stimulants. Stay away from energy drinks that contain a lot of sugar and caffeine. Stimulants accustom the body to sympathetic dominance. They can also disrupt sleep patterns. If you must drink coffee, don’t do it in the afternoon.

5. Rest after exercise


Do not overdo the exercise. Training for more than two days in a row will disrupt your rhythm and increase your stress levels. If your body does not recover from the previous workout, take another day off from it or do it at a lower intensity.

6. Laugh


it is said that laughter is the best medicine. laughter is inextricably linked to numerous physical and mental benefits. One of these benefits is a positive effect on the level of stress hormones. Studies show that a sense of humor, laughter, and lightheartedness are beneficial in reducing levels of cortisol and other stress hormones.

One of the definitions of stress is too many things to do and too little time to fulfill set goals. You simply learn to say no. To achieve this, you first need to understand why it is so difficult for you to do it. Many people find it hard to say no because they want to help and try to be nice and likable. For others, saying no is a fear of conflict, rejection, and lost opportunities. Remember that all these excuses are obstacles of your own making. Whether it’s family or friendship obligations or demands from your superiors at work, learn to stand up for yourself. You will make your daily schedule easier, and others will appreciate you more because you know how to appreciate yourself. Set current priorities, and don’t overwhelm yourself with obligations.

Not enough hours of sleep lead to general dissatisfaction, especially if you have big tasks ahead of you the next day. Introduce an evening routine that will relax you! Don’t rest until you go to bed. Let your period of rest start a few hours before that moment. Do not strain your brain before going to bed, but relax with your favorite series, movie, or book. At least for a few tens of minutes, it will please you. Then, treat yourself to a long shower with warm water, which will relax tight muscles and prepare you for sleep.